Lowongan Kerja Drafter Terbaru PT Griya Pesona Integrita.
HarvestLand was established as a business developer group with the primary focus on property development and management in Indonesia. The business portfolio for HarvestLand includes middle to high-end townships & estates, mixed-use & high rise developments, hospitality and industrial estates. Our aim is to change clients' great investment into valuable asset.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Mempersiapkan gambar umum dan rinci berdasarkan skema dan konsep dari arsitek dan designer. REQUIREMENTS:
- Pria/Wanita usia min.20 tahun
- Pemdidikan min.SMK/STM jurusan bangunan.
- Pengalaman drafating industry min. 3 tahun
- Memahami istilah-istilah dalam gambar teknik sipil
- Mampu membuat gambar detail (komponen-komponen bangunan)
- Draft drawing untuk IMB, tender & construction as built sesuai regulasi yang berlaku
- Mengerti standard-standard design bangunan
- 3D modelling
- Memahami fungsi bangunan/ruang untuk MEP, Structure
- Memahami material-material bangunan
- Bisa mengoperasikan Autocad, Sketchup, Photoshop, Microsoft office
- Good attitude, can be honestly, working under pressure, individual or teams
- Fixed salary
- Jamsostek
- BPJS Kesehatan
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
Image credited to Www.careerrelay.com